Tips for Marketing Your Coworking Space in 2021
While the past year working from home became the new normal amidst the COVID-19 pandemic,

International Coworking Day is August 9th
On the 9th of August each year, coworking space operators from around the world take

The Benefits of Integrated, Automated Workspace Technology
Guest Blog Post by Yardi Kube Historically, coworking operators have approached workspace management and service

Earth Day Pride For The Global Workspace Industry
Earth Day – the day marked on April 22 each year where we all take

Virtual Memberships and Client Relationships: An Interview with SphereMail’s Hasan Mirjan
For Hasan Mirjan, Founder and CEO of SphereMail, said that, as a virtual membership service

A Landlord’s Guide to Flexible Workspace
GWA guest blog post by essensys The demand for flexible workspace, services, and amenities are

Access And Data: How Brivo is Empowering Flexible Office Spaces During G COVID-19
For Jonathan Polon, the Senior Director of Business Development for Brivo, the fallout from the COVID-19

How Workspace Geek is Helping Coworking Spaces During the Pandemic
“It’s a new world,” said Becky Stokes of Workspace Geek, talking about the sudden shift

Virtual Memberships and Client Relationships: An Interview with SphereMail’s Hasan Mirjan
For Hasan Mirjan, Founder and CEO of SphereMail, said that, as a virtual membership service

“Virtual Is the New Reality”: An Interview with iPostal1’s Barry Gesserman
“Virtual is the new reality,” is Barry Gesserman’s take on COVID-19 and its implications for